In the book, Teaching algebra, authors Beverly Bass and Richard Sandler describe a Math 1 digit addition worksheet as one of several ways to help children understand addition. One of the difficulties in teaching algebra to children is the difficulty of motivating students to learn it, particularly at a young age.

Many young students lack self-confidence and quickly become bored with assignments that they find to be routine. Adding to this problem is the fact that many students tend to be poor convergers when it comes to solving math problems. A math worksheet can provide the visual and auditory cues that make addition much more appealing to students, especially those who have given up on algebra before.

Math worksheets are a good way to begin the motivation necessary for learning addition and subtraction. Some math teachers encourage the use of worksheets in their classrooms, arguing that they provide a simple and effective way for students to get started with a problem.
Using a worksheet does not require the child to solve the problem but, rather, just draws or sketches the answer on the worksheet. As the student begins to understand the meaning behind each answer, he can then remove the piece of the worksheet that contains the answer so that he can work out the formula for his own solution.

Using a math worksheet is also very helpful because it forces the student to visualize the answers. This visual process makes it easier for him to remember the solution. When using math worksheets to teach math to children, it is important to provide regular breaks.
This allows the student to rest during the first half of a math test and refresh his mind during the second half. Time management is also another major factor in helping students learn math. Having math problems to study during breaks gives students time to think about the problems without having to spend the rest of the lesson figuring them out.

Finally, worksheets make it easy to track progress, so that the teacher can make small changes to the lessons or prepare for a different lesson if needed.