In this lesson, your child will learn how to count from one to a thousand by using the base-ten system. They will learn to compare numbers and group objects in groups of hundreds and tens, as well as understand how the place value of numbers works.

Second graders will begin to use symbols to compare numbers and will use place value to determine how many are equal to one hundred. There are several activities available for this lesson, and they cover the entire curriculum for the second grade. You can browse the entire collection or search the various resources quickly.
Second grade students will also learn to count by twos and odd numbers. This skill is important for calculating how much a group of objects is worth, and is a vital part of their education. Students will use graphs with up to four categories in addition to counting.

The standards for second grade math also cover identifying numbers in a variety of shapes and patterns. For example, they will be asked to count objects with a circle and a square. Then, they will draw graphs that represent these data.
Counting in a way that emphasizes fluency in fact fluency is essential for success in math. One of the most effective ways to practice fact fluency is by using flashcards. These cards can be found online or printed out. Once you know which cards are equal to one hundred, you can use them to practice counting to a thousand. You can also practice the basic facts of counting by laying out a deck of cards.