Once you have completed your basic math classes in first grade, you will find that you need to do a lot of worksheets that are going to be of a higher level of difficulty. You will find that many teachers will assign worksheets of different grades for children.

These worksheets will be ones that are going to test a child’s skills in mathematics. The good news is that you can take a look at the grade 1 math worksheets that are available and get copies of them printed so that you can use them for your own work.
The first grade is a very simple grade level. You will not be looking for anything that is too complex or confusing. In most cases you will want to go with an easier grade level worksheet.

These are worksheets that are written about the simplest possible topics and then you will grade on your ability to solve problems. The problem with these kinds of worksheets though is that they are not very interesting to read on their own.
There are grade 2 math worksheets that you can use as well. These are worksheets that you can use to show your child how to make things from the different colors or shapes that you will learn about.

This can be an especially good type of worksheet if you know that your child has a keen interest in colors or shapes. These types of worksheets are very printable and you can choose to have them printed in color or black and white. If you work with your child at this age, you may find that they are very easy to make.